All that piece and parcel of the property Plot No 5. part of khasza no 266 Total Measuring 715.53 sq yards situated at revenue Village Savatsar Tehsi Kishangarh District Ajmer Rajasthan-305801 Property Registered through sale deed in two parts part property registered in favor of Shri Rajulal Barwar S/o Shri Mangaichand Barsar as registerd Sub Registrar Kishangarh on 24.08.2007 in Book No. 1 Volume No. 438, page no. 101 SeriAL NO. PM 2007003324 and pasted in Addi book No. 1 Volume No. 1032 page no. 01 to 12 (in respect of said property part measuring 138.00 sq yards and as registered sub register kishangarh on 20.12.2017 in bock no. 1 volume no 800 page no. 4 serial No. 201703006106300 and pasted in add book no. 1 volume no. 2478 page no. 49 1080 (In respect of sald property part measuring.
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